Tinkoff Bank
Cashback & Rewards
Product Designer
iOS, Android
Tinkoff is a super app, so it offers both financial and non-financial services galore.
Tinkoff is Russia's best mobile bank app in 2013 – 2018 (as recognized by Deloitte and Markswebb Rank & Report). Best iOS banking app for retail customers in 2017 and 2018, according to UsabilityLab. Best mobile bank app in Central and Eastern Europe in 2018, according to Global Finance.
Working with "Cashback & Rewards", I was in charge of designing an alternative way of gaining cashback that should be the most convenient for larger number of our users. It was assumed that such way should be easier to understand and use.
As a product designer I got challenged to improve "Cashback & Rewards" service and help with "Showtimes" service which combines search and purchase of concert, theatre, cinema and sports tickets.
At this point a place in the app, target functionality, MVP and all of the necessary development stages were determined. Product success criteria and metrics were also determined. I have made a list of hypotheses needed to be tested before launching the product. I have described possible ways of promoting and how our product should be presented in other parts of the app. I have conducted a competitor analysis, determined user-flows and mentioned corner cases.
— An innovative product on Fintech market
— A unique placement in our app with tens of millions of users, a convenient way of communication with customers via their own brand zone
— A tool for user retention, gaining loyalty to a brand
For partners:
— Bigger turnovers with partners
— Less operational activities. More effectiveness while interacting with partners
For business:
I have started by discussing and identifying with product manager the vision of the service, existing problems and constraints, users, businesses and partners’ needs.
That is how the service’s format was determined – loyalty clubs.
I also have made a prototype to conduct a qualitative research and hypothesis testing. After conducting the research together with a UX-researcher I have enhanced user flows. I have designed crucial flows and relayed them to developers.
After that the product was developed and launched for a specific sample of users in order to find any bugs and shortcomings. A crucial part for me as a Product designer was to conduct a design review. So as to get rid of imperfections connected with both UX and UI, I have conducted design review and that is how a minimum lovable product "Loyalty clubs" came into existence.
— More cashback. Loyalty format is an addition to existing promo format, which means more rewards
— It is easier to understand, remember and use. We convey an idea as simple as that "You always have certain amount of cashback on your favorite goods. Permanently. In order to earn cashback just buy them anywhere"
For users:
You can see some parts of the process and iterations working on MVP below.
In conclusion, it is already possible to state that the product is successful due to increased retention and conversion rate, the amount of paid cashback and a queue of big partners that are striving to work with us.
However, my work as a product designer is not over at this point, since I still propose improvements, contribute to a backlog and follow the analytics.
"Cashback & Rewards" redesign is yet to come due to poor existing scalability and lots of other challenges.